Midterm exam
The midterm test was held on Friday October 30, 1:10pm–3:00pm in room EX 200. The test will receive a weight of 40% in the final grade.Final exam
The final exam will receive a weight of 60% in the final grade. It will cover the entire term's work. Much of the material in the second half of the course builds on the material in the first half, so it is difficult to say exactly how much of the exam relates to each part of the course. However, probably between a quarter and a third of the points on the final exam will be for problems that could be answered on the basis of the material in the first half of the course alone.Redemption
A low but passing mark in the midterm test will be redeemable by a high mark on the final exam, and a mark between 40% and 50% on the midterm test will be partly redeemable. Specifically, if your mark on the midterm test is at least 50% and is lower than your mark on the final exam, the 40% weight for the test will be transferred to the final exam. If your mark on the midterm test is between 40% and 50% and is lower than your mark on the final exam, the midterm test mark, say x, will receive a weight of 4(50 − x)% and the weight 40 − 4(50 − x)% will be transferred to the final exam. (For example, if you score 45% on the midterm test, then that test will receive a weight of 20% and the remaining 20% of the weight for the test will be transferred to the final exam.) If you receive a mark of 40% or less on the midterm, no weight for the test will be transferred to the final exam. For example, if your mark on the midterm is 60 and your mark on the final exam is 80, your mark for the course will be 80, but if your mark on the midterm is 40 and your mark on the final exam is 80, your mark for the course will be 64 (0.4 times 40 plus 0.6 times 80).No calculators or any other aids will be permitted in the midterm exam or in the final exam.
If you miss the midterm exam because of a serious illness, you need to obtain a fully completed University of Toronto "Verification of Student Illness or Injury" Certificate, available at http://www.illnessverification.utoronto.ca/. I will not accept any other form. Here are the rules.
- You need to see the doctor before the exam. I will not accept certificates that relate to visits after the exam.
- The illness must be serious enough that you are unable to write the exam. It is not enough that, given the illness, you would not do as well as you otherwise might. I will not accept certificates concerning minor ailments.
- The certificate must be completed by a qualified medical doctor (not, for example, a chiropractor, acupuncturist, or other medical professional).
- The certificate must include the doctor's OHIP registration number.
- The certificate must be completed in full and must be completely legible. In particular, I will not accept a certificate unless the doctor's name, licensing body, and registration number are legible.
- You must email me the day of the exam, explaining the circumstances.
- You must bring me the original certificate (not a scan or copy) in person as soon as you are better. I will not accept emailed certificates.
- You must write the makeup exam, which will be held on Friday November 6, 10:10am–12:00pm. If you do not write the makeup exam, you will receive 0 for the midterm. (There will be no makeup for the makeup.)