Mathematical methods for economic theory

Martin J. Osborne

6.3 Exercises on the envelope theorem

  1. Define the function f by f(xr) = x1/2 − rx, where x ≥ 0. On a graph with r on the horizontal axis, sketch the function for several values of x. (E.g. sketch the functions (1/2)1/2 − r/2, 11/2 − r, and 21/2 − 2r.) Sketch, in addition, the value function f*, where f*(r) is the maximal value of f(xr) for each given value of r.


    The first-order condition for a solution of the problem of maximizing f is (1/2)x−1/2 = r, so that the solution of the problem for a given value of r is x*(r) = 1/(4r2). Thus f*(r) = 1/4r. The following figure shows the graph of this function, in red, together with the graphs of f(xr) as a function of r for various values of x.

  2. A firm's output depends upon the amount x of an input and a parameter a, according to the function f(xa). This function f is increasing in a. The price of the firm's output is p > 0 and the price of the input is w > 0. Determine the sign of the derivative of the firm's maximal profit with respect to a.


    Denote the firm's maximal profit by π(awp). By the envelope theorem we have π'1(awp) = pf'2(xa). Thus since f is increasing in a and p > 0, the derivative of the firm's maximal profit with respect to a is positive.
  3. The output of a good is xay, where x and y are the amounts of two inputs and a > 1 is a parameter. A government-controlled firm is directed to maximize output subject to meeting the constraint 2x + y = 12.
    • Solve the firm's problem.
    • Use the envelope theorem to find how the maximal output changes as the parameter a varies.


    The first-order conditions are
    axa−1y − 2λ  =  0
    xa − λ  =  0
    2x + y  =  12
    Solving these we find two solutions: (x*, y*, λ*) = (6a/(1 + a), 12/(1 + a), (6a/(1 + a))a) and (x', y', λ') = (0, 12, 0).

    Since ∇g(x*,y*) ≠ (0,0) the first-order conditions are necessary. That is, if x* solves the problem then it must solve the first-order conditions. By looking at the geometry of the problem, you can convince yourself that indeed the problem has a solution. Since the output from the first solution exceeds the output from the second solution, the solution to the problem is (x*, y*).

    Let M(a) = (x*(a))ay*(a). By the envelope theorem we have

    M'(a)  =  (∂L/∂a)(x*(a), y*(a), a)
     =  (x*(a))ay*(a)ln x*(a)
     =  [12(6a)aln (6a/(1 + a))]/(1 + a)a+1